Let It Snow!

I love living in Dallas! Twice a year, or so, it snows. Not a big blizzard, just a gentle snowfall. We wake to find the neighborhood covered in a light dusting of snow. There is enough to make a snowman, or have a snowball fight, but not so much that we can't go to work or school. By the afternoon it has melted away without a trace. There is no slush to muck up the entryways to our homes, no dirty boots to clean, no endless weeks of waiting for spring. The weather will warm up tomorrow. It's the perfect winter weather.
Yesterday morning was one of those perfect snow days. The kids bounded out of bed and ran outside in not-nearly-enough clothes. And Colin indulged in his most favorite pasttime: eating snow. (The picture is of him eating snow at the Grand Canyon. He is a true snow conisseur.)
Mom sent this article to me about the dangers of eating snow
Since it only snows once or twice a year, I think I'll let him risk it.
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