Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Caroline says to me at 8:20 in the morning, "Mom, I forgot..." You already know how this story goes.

In this case, she "forgot" that she needed a CD with a song from the Tinkerbell album. I knew about this project, but she told me her partner already had the song.

"Yeah, but she has it on her iPod, and the teacher says it has to be on a CD."

So I said that I would go to the store and look for the CD, but that wasn't adequate.

"Today is our last rehersal date and we haven't actually done our choreograhy to the music yet."

She's been working on this project for two weeks! What have they been doing all this time?

So naturally, I spend my morning going all over town looking for this song, which is only available on ONE album, and is, as far as I can tell, out-of-print. Did I mention that it is POURING rain. Seriously, it hasn't rained this hard in the last year! Finally, a teenager at Toys R Us says "why don't you just burn it to a CD?" and I have to admit I have no idea how to do that.

He talks me through the process and I go home to do this. It took a while -- the first disk was actually a DVD-rom not a CD-rom, but I finally got it to work. Yea, me! Then, of course, I have to take it up to the school, again in the rain, so she will have it by 5th period.

I was soaked through. My tennis shoes were sloshing. The whole thing was so ludicrous that I couldn't be angry... it was just too funny. Now, however, I have changed into warm pajamas and I plan to stay that way until it's time to get the kids... in the rain.