I am guilty, your honor, of bad parenting.
As proof of my bad parenting, I offer up Exhibit A:
My children spent Saturday afternoon watching the Texas/OU game and bellowing the following traditional cheer: Give 'em hell, give 'em hell; OU sucks!
Exhibit B:
Both children, ages 7 and 4, know the words to, and frequently sing, the following song:
Deck the halls with gasoline
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Strike a match and watch it gleam
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Watch the school burn down to ashes
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Aren't you glad you play with matches?
Fa la la la la, la la la la
These are just the felony offenses, your honor. There are misdemeanor charges of unbrushed teeth, hair badly in need of cutting, allowing them to have the free cookie at the grocery store at 9 am or right before dinner, and giving them hotdogs for breakfast.
I'd say I was looking at a lifetime sentence, but parenting already is.